- 主卧套房
- 自带厨房
- 部分家具
- 9 月 15 号入住
Quiet and traditional family neighbourhood. A super huge bedroom with your own kitchen, private big bathroom and spacious balcony.
- $1500/month
(plus 15% of Utilities)
- Employment and rental references are required
- Credit check if applicable
- Photo ID is required
- No pets
- No smoking/pot (inside or outside)
Please reply with brief information about yourself:
How many people? and relationships?
When will you start the tenancy?
Do you or will you have pets?
How long have you been living at your current place and the reason for moving?
Your employer's name?
** Professionally managed and marketed by STEPHEN JIN PREC*. We do not charge prospective tenants any handling fees, application fees or processing fees. We are fully licensed with the BC Financial Services Authority.**
有意请联系:(778) 788-1381